Thursday, 2 May 2013

Magazines and Madwomen


This week I FINALLY handed in my dissertation, it was a glorious day and my friend Claire and I went out to celebrate afterwards with cocktails at Turtle Bay, which we felt was very well deserved! I do feel a weird sense of loss now that it's all done and dusted, I woke up the next day and it felt like the day after Christmas - that kind of sad, weird feeling of disappointed, though I can't think why I am disappointed I no longer have to write about madwomen.

It has really dawned on me now that I have handed in that big old essay that the end really is near and I feel ever so sad, trying to make the most of it and have as much fun as I can before I head into that scary place we called The Real World. I am currently in the midst of finishing making a magazine with Claire for our magazine journalism project and I am sharing a sneak peak of some of the photographs we have done for it on here, I'll put the full copy up when it is all handed in and then hopefully I'll never have to look at it again as it is quite frankly giving me a headache.

Charlotte and I will be all handed in as of next week so we can get back to what we love doing, going on adventures and doing outfit posts again! Oh how we have missed the good old days of freedom!

A nice classic cheesy 'yay I'm handing in my dissertation!' photo!

These photos were all taken by our amazing photographer Donna Slidel and the models are the gorgeous Sophie and Ross. It was absolutely freezing this day so they were such troopers standing around in shorts and t-shirts all day! These aren't the final copies we are using, it was so hard to choose! Here are some of my favourites from the day...

These photographs were also taken by Donna and the models are Charlotte and Joris who literally look so good together it hurts my eyes...

So excited to get the final magazine all printed and show you the results :)

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